

Artigo Científico | Siqueira & Brandão | Creative strategies for spatial policy making in Brazilian ‘new left regionalism’...


SIQUEIRA, Hipólita; BRANDÃO, Carlos.

Creative strategies for spatial policy making in Brazilian ‘new left regionalism’: fighting inequalities and COVID-19 in the north-east region. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, rsab029, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsab029. 

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The literature on the new regionalism has highlighted the leading role played by regions in the contemporary process of state rescaling and the governance of policy-making. We argue that a (re)politicisation of North-east Brazil and the emergence of a new left regionalism are underway. We examine the political and socioeconomic circumstances of this process through the creation of the Interstate Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the North-east. We conclude that while many challenges still lie ahead, this experience has demonstrated potential for the coherence of policies, and for constituting new political actors and arenas for the concertation of interests.


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